The integrated ICEDirect Web Server on the MPE Framework provides an interface between “one too many” browser sessions and the IFOM started task. The Work Manager monitors the incoming browser request and will spawn, as needed, TSO/E REXX address spaces to support the request. These tasks interpret the request and, as necessary, makes requests to IFOM. Data returned from IFOM is formatted into complete HTML documents by the REXX sub task using a combination of static templates and/or dynamically generated HTML structure.
ICEDirect is used by organizations that want to maintain and enhance z/OS system integrity and security.
ICEDirect is a secure web interface to a z/OS server that use the capabilities of the browser to provide an easy to use and interactive set of applications using information made available from many different sources that are critical to maintain the operational readiness and integrity of the z/OS LPARS and the business applications they provide.
With ICEDirect it is easy to get a comprehensive and consolidated overview of the status and availability of the various targets. Using the benefit of click of a mouse it easy to further view and interrogate the details of each target area to investigate any possible problems or risks. It is also possible to use ICEDirect to compare targets or to detect and track change activity. This comparison can be beneficial to detect changes to configurations standards and transactional changes.
The various targets can be, but not limited to; The z/OS configuration datasets and file, The configuration definition for RACF, ICSF and your Digital Certificates. ICEDirect also provide a interface into the targets to provide testing and administration services for each target.
Getting started with ICEDirect is easy. Schedule your personalized webcast, and we’ll get you started with a free trial. We’ll help you install Image FOCUS/ICEDirect and provide an evaluation key.